The Crispiest Vegan Fish And Chips

Fish and chips might be perhaps my favourite British dish. As a child I used to love unwrapping newspaper parcels to find greasy treats inside. Copious amounts of salt and vinegar was always a must. Tartare sauce I always found a bit bizare, but was fully behind mushy peas.

Having searched high and low for a plant-based replacement for flaky cod, I can truthfully say that banana blossom is the one. Banana blossom is exactly what it sounds like – blossom from a banana tree. This edible flower has long been eaten in south-east asian cuisine, but it’s only now beginning to creep into western cooking. The flower has a dense and flaky texture, not too unlike that of fish!

Beer battered banana blossom is as close as I’ve come to tasting the original fish and chips. Here’s the kicker – it’s so easy to make and super cheap. I marinate my banana blossom in seaweed to give it an extra fishy taste. Then wack it in some batter and fry it for 2 mins, that’s it! Try these suckers out today, you won’t be disappointed.